3 Tips for Writing About a Topic You Know Nothing About

Ever wondered how to write about a topic you have no knowledge of and no time to research? From the owner’s perspective, the first insight emphasizes focusing on universal themes, setting a strong foundation. As the article progresses, the CEO advises breaking down universal principles, offering tangible methods to tackle the task. Collecting insights from three experts, this article concludes with leveraging curiosity and expert insights.

Table of Contents

Focus on Universal Themes

If I had to write an article about a topic I knew nothing about and had no time for research, I would focus on structuring the content around universal themes or general principles related to the topic. My goal would be to outline broader concepts that are likely applicable, even without deep subject expertise.


One tip for doing this is to ask questions and answer them. For example, frame the article by considering what someone unfamiliar with the topic might want to know—such as definitions, benefits, common challenges, or practical examples. This approach allows you to create an informative piece while staying within familiar territory, using common logic and general observations to engage readers.


Andrew Lee Jenkins, Owner, Andrew Lee Jenkins

Break Down Universal Principles

If I had to write an article about an unfamiliar topic with no time for research, I’d focus on breaking the subject down into universal principles. I would start by framing the topic in a way that connects to relatable ideas, then build from there. One trick I’ve found useful is to lean on structure—begin with an introduction that poses a question, explore broad concepts in the body, and close with practical takeaways. This approach keeps the content organized even when specifics are lacking.


Tanya Lamont, CEO, Conversational

Leverage Curiosity and Expert Insights

The most important part of being a writer is being curious. What questions do you already have about this topic? Next, who are the experts on this topic that know these answers, and do you have access to them? How can you get access to them? Sometimes, a quick conversation is all you need to jump-start quick research. Experts are often more than willing to bring in their two cents. They want you to be accurate and get the word out about what they’re passionate about. 


There’s no shame in not knowing anything about a topic when you start writing about it. In some ways, you have a clear advantage–your readers probably don’t know anything about this topic either, and it will be easier for you to explain the topic from a relatable point of view.


Shayla Klein, Multimedia Journalist, Inneraction Media
