4 Personal Experiences With AI-Driven Website Content: Benefits and Challenges

4 Personal Experiences With AI-Driven Website Content: Benefits and Challenges

In the digital age, the debate on using AI for website content creation is hotter than ever. We’ve gathered insights from a Chief Content Officer and an e-commerce manager, among others, to share their first-hand experiences. From harnessing AI-human synergy to the risks of Google penalties, here are four expert opinions on whether AI should write your web text.


  • Harnessing AI-Human Synergy for Web Content
  • AI Content Creation Needing Human Touch
  • Using AI for Drafts, Humans for Engagement
  • Google Penalizing AI-Generated Content


Harnessing AI-Human Synergy for Web Content

Using AI to write your website text is like hiring a slightly wacky but brilliant intern. They’ll churn out first drafts with crazy speed, throw in some surprisingly insightful research, and occasionally suggest a headline about talking squirrels. It’s your job as the boss to take that raw energy, add in the human touch (and delete the squirrel stuff), and bam! You’ve got a website with both personality and polish. AI for the win? Kind of—the real win is the human-AI dream team!


Lata Tewari, Chief Content Officer, Webuters Technologies Pvt Ltd


AI Content Creation Needing Human Touch

Using AI to write text for your website can be a double-edged sword, based on my experience. On one hand, AI can significantly speed up content creation, offering a baseline draft that you can refine and polish. This is particularly useful for generating routine content or when you’re working against the clock.


However, the caveat lies in the nuances of brand voice and the depth of understanding specific to your audience’s needs, which AI might not fully capture. For instance, while working on projects at Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency, we found that AI-generated content often lacked the personal touch and deep industry insights that resonate with our clients. It was efficient for creating drafts but required significant human intervention to inject personality, tailor messages more precisely, and ensure accuracy.



Relying solely on AI can risk diluting the unique brand voice that sets you apart from competitors. Authenticity and emotional connection are key in digital communication, and AI, as of my last use, isn’t quite there yet when it comes to replicating these human qualities, even when using a custom GPT model.


AI can be a helpful tool for content creation, especially for generating ideas or drafting content quickly. However, it’s crucial to blend its capabilities with human oversight to ensure the final output aligns with your brand’s voice, values, and the expectations of your audience.


Andrew Jenkins, Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency


Using AI for Drafts, Humans for Engagement

Although AI can fundamentally change a website’s content, it also has limitations. Save tons of time by instantly creating designs and exploring new ideas. However, AI struggles to capture the voices and nuances that speak to the audience. 


Imagine a flat brochure instead of an engaging conversation. We use AI for brainstorming and first drafts to make them shine, then add editing and the human touch. The result is engaging, informative content that speaks directly to your visitors.


Fahad Khan, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy India


Google Penalizing AI-Generated Content

The past year, everything has been “AI this” and “AI that.” I’ve been saying since the start that it’s only a matter of time until Google cracks down on AI content, either not rewarding or, worse, punishing people for using it. People doubted this and said it wouldn’t happen. Well, a few months back, Google updated its webmaster guidelines, saying something to the effect of rewarding content written by humans for humans. 


Will I Get Penalized by Google for Using AI-Generated Content? » Rank Math


Now we have the March Google Core/Spam Update, and what do you know? Of the sites that have been deindexed, pretty much 100% of them used AI, and 91% of them used AI heavily. We’ve spent years writing custom product descriptions while competitors copied and pasted manufacturer descriptions; we worked too hard to get lazy now and throw it all away. Glad I didn’t begin utilizing AI, as we’d have a big cleanup project on our hands.


John Frigo, eCommerce Manager, Best Price Nutrition

