Check Out My Portfolio



Bookmundi is a world-operating tours and travel company. I have written destination travel tips and guides throughout their site. 

easy Jet


One of the largest airlines in the UK, EasyJet operate in 36 countries. I write destination pages for European cities.

Mexico Travel Blog

Mexico Travel Blog

Nellie is a mum of two who’s a long-term travel addict. We worked together on collaborative blogs while I travelled in Mexico.

Analytics Insight

Analytics Insight

Analytics Insight are a leading media site for AI and big data. I worked with them on cryptocurrency and blockchain posts. 



Upwork is the world’s largest freelancer platform. I got featured in an article they put together about workstyle flexibility and scheduling tasks.

Storyboard That

Story Board That

A first-class educational software providing kids with engaging learning activities. I wrote long-form content about their software.

The Tiny Book

The Tiny Book

While travelling, I did a few guest posts for The Tiny Book. They provide information for travellers looking for things to do in Europe.

Good Times Mexico

Good Times Mexico

If you didn’t already realise, yes I like Mexico. Good Times Mexico are another travel website I have written informational posts for.

Crypto Mode

Crypto Mode

The #1 Crypto new outlet. I did promotional articles on this site for a decentralised platform – TMS Token.



Founded in 2018,, previously known as TableYeti, has consistently provided unique value at the point of payment.


Squaka Bet

Online betting apps provide excellent convenience and functionality. The pocket-sized sportsbooks let punters…



Statistics. Not my fave, but I’m a dab hand at them. Andreas and I collaborate on both his medium channel and website – Artios SEO.