
SEO Content Writing Services

Content is more helpful for on-page SEO than anything else. As an SEO content writer, I create engaging content that’s well-structured and keyword-optimised to drive organic growth for brands. Easy-to-follow content that is helpful to readers is what it’s all about.

SEO Content Writing Services
Clickable Headlines​


1. I produce content with intriguing headlines that people will click on.


2. We can conduct A/B headline testing to determine what your audience likes.


3. Headlines will be uniform throughout your blog to help with readability.

Keyword-Focused Content

Keyword-Focused Content

1. I’ll place your keywords throughout the content to optimise for searcher intent.


2. Integrate primary and secondary keywords through content and metadata.


3. Comprehensive, long-form content with over 2,000 words is usually best.

Scannable Structure​


1. Use short paragraphs, well placed, with strategic header formatting.

2. Break up text with relevant subheadings every 250 words for easy reader scanning.

3. I can include useful charts/graphs, photos, and videos with descriptive alt text on request.

Promotion through social media

for Maximising Reach

1. I can help promote new content through your social media ads, email lists, and existing collaborations.

2. If you need a guest post, let me know. I’m more than happy to come up with the site-relevant content for you.

3. Content repurposing for social posting, email promos or even a weekly newsletter.​

Website Traffic


1. We can analyse your website traffic to see what posts your audience likes and add more content around these areas.

2. Create a content plan around what current content is working well and tweak underperforming content.

3. Keep existing content updated with new information to maintain relevance in your niche’s evolving landscape.​

SEO Content Writing Company That Get Results

Keyword stuffing, rubbish key phrase research, superficial content, and other ineffective SEO tactics belong in the past. Google employs sophisticated algorithms designed to distinguish valuable, captivating content from attempts to manipulate search engine rankings without considering readers’ needs. Employing outdated SEO methods can harm your business and brand’s search visibility, tarnishing your reputation in the eyes of potential customers.


Successful SEO copywriting demands a skilful approach with deliberate execution. To secure a place in your target search engine results pages (SERPs), writing must:


  1. Thoroughly delve into the topic.
  2. Address as many reader-relevant questions as possible.
  3. Communicate effectively with the target audience, incorporating industry-specific language when appropriate.
  4. Be structured for easy comprehension by search engines, using meta descriptions and appropriate headings such as H1, H2, and so on.

Every article in my SEO copywriting service  employs the latest SEO writing services best practices. I integrate top level SEO content writing techniques tailored to enhance your online presence. 


I work with many experts within the SEO field, so I am always updated with what’s working well and what’s not. I’ll deliver keyword research to content strategy and creation planning. From this keyword strategy, I will produce engaging material that resonates with target audiences and secures you a place on SERPs. For your brand to excel search market and captivate readers, high-quality SEO website content is essential.

SEO Content Writing Services UK

The Power of SEO Copywriting

At Jake Perry Writes, I bring a unique blend of expertise with my SEO content services. I understand the nuances of crafting content that engages your audience but also ranks high on search engine results. Let’s delve into the intricacies of my SEO copywriting services and explore how I can elevate your online presence.


Effective SEO copywriting is the linchpin of a successful digital marketing strategy. It goes beyond mere words on a page; it’s about creating content that resonates with your target audience while aligning seamlessly with search engine algorithms. I take pride in helping businesses unlock the full potential of their online presence.

Unleashing the Potential of Your Content

1. Tailored SEO Copywriting Service

My approach to SEO copywriting is rooted in precision and customisation. I understand that each business is unique, and cookie-cutter solutions won’t cut it. That’s why my SEO copywriting service is tailored to meet the specific needs and goals of your business. Whether you’re a startup looking to establish a digital footprint or an established brand aiming to enhance your online visibility, I have the expertise to deliver results.

Keywords are the foundation of successful SEO, and my strategy centers on smart keyword integration. By incorporating your keyword research into the content, I pinpoint the most relevant terms and phrases for your industry and target audience. This approach ensures your content attracts your audience’s attention and performs well in search engine rankings.

Copywriting Service in the UK
Engaging & Informative Content

2. Engaging & Informative Content

While SEO is crucial, it’s equally important to create content that captivates and informs your audience. I go beyond keyword stuffing. I focus on creating engaging, informative, and well-crafted content that adds value to your readers. By striking the right balance between SEO optimisation and user experience, I help you build credibility and trust with your audience.

Why Me?

Expertise Rooted in Experience

What sets me apart as a leading SEO copywriting service is my wealth of experience in the field. With a proven track record of delivering results for diverse clients across industries, I bring a deep understanding of the ever-changing dynamics of SEO. Trusting your content needs to Jake Perry Writes means leveraging expertise honed over years of navigating the complexities of digital content marketing.

Expertise Rooted in Experience
Transparent & Collaborative Process

Transparent & Collaborative Process

Transparency is at the core of my values. From the initial consultation to the delivery of the final product, I keep you informed every step of the way. My collaborative approach ensures that your vision and goals are seamlessly integrated into the content I create. I believe in building lasting partnerships based on trust, communication, and, above all, results.


In terms of online marketing, staying ahead requires a strategic and tailored approach to content creation. Jake Perry Writes is your trusted partner in unlocking the full potential of your online presence. Whether you’re seeking SEO copywriting services to enhance your website’s visibility or looking to revamp your content strategy, I can help to bring your vision to life.

Ranking results

Quality Content Creation with Measurable Results

While the initial days of SEO may have revolved around conforming to rigid algorithms for search results that prioritised crawler scanning over reader experience, present-day SEO content must align with searcher intent. That’s THE only way to appear high up on SERPs. Today’s search engines place huge importance on content production, emphasising reader intent in their selection of URLs to feature in SERPs.


Your audience has questions, and your brand must respond with the most comprehensive content. I’m an expert in high-quality SEO content services to help you in crafting words that help the reader, and stick around in the search engines. 


Blog Article Writing Services: A skilled content writer can transform even the simplest idea into a blog post with a high search engine ranking. Blog articles are incredibly versatile, meeting digital marketing needs in formats ranging from 500-word stories to 3,000-word overviews.


eBook: An eBook, often a gated asset, relies more heavily on visuals and imagery than a white paper. Serving as the ideal blend of design and content writing, eBooks use landing pages and other web content to drive search engine traffic.


Article Writing: Long-form articles can consist of almost anything. From how-to-guides, to comprehensive breakdowns of a topic. 


Social Media Writing: Twitter and Instagram have unique rules for optimisation, necessitating social media content that appeals to both search engines and platform-specific search algorithms. For example, keyword research for Google may differ from the hashtags that prove most effective on Twitter.


Content crafted to meet searcher intent transforms visitors into clients. Whether catering to commercial intent or informational searches, my SEO copywriting service aligns your content marketing with the demands of your target audience. And we’ll be able to measure this with Google analytics. 

Ready to take the next step?

If you need help with any (or all) of the above, then I might just be your freelance writer guy. I have a wealth of experience with both SEO and content writing, so feel free to get in touch. Make what you say count with great SEO content creation. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Strategically creating optimised, keyword-focused SEO copywriting articles to increase organic visibility and website traffic.

It helps boost a website’s reach over the long term. This added reach leads to higher traffic flow and an overall boost in revenue.

The main things I focus on are: keyword placement, meta descriptions, headlines, media alt text, optimised formatting and topic research that helps the reader.

The best SEO content serves both equally by being informative and easy to consume. Yet, it should also be easy for search engine crawlers to find and make sense of.

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