B2B Copywriting Services Liverpool

Looking to supercharge your business in Liverpool? Look no further! I’m Jake Perry, and I’m here to make your business stand out with awesome words. Let’s talk to your customers in a way that really clicks. Whether you’re a small startup or a big shot, I’ve got your back. I’ll use the magic of words to make your business shine and connect with your customers like never before. Imagine your brand speaking fluently in a language your customers can’t resist. That’s what I’m all about—bringing your business to life through words that feel like a friendly chat. Let’s make your message pop, grab attention, and turn heads. Ready to boost your biz? Let’s chat!

B2C Content

Why Choose Me?

When you’re shouting out about your awesome stuff, using the perfect words is the key. I’m your Liverpool b2b copywriter, Jake Perry, What’s my secret sauce? Well, I mix up creativity and smart thinking for every project I dive into. Why pick me?

Cause I’m not your run of the mill word person. I bring a special something that makes your message pop and your business shine. It’s like having a secret weapon in the word game. Let’s chat and make your products and services the talk of the town!


I’ve got the lowdown on what clicks with our crowd. I know the ins and outs of our market, and when it comes to writing, I’m like a tailor, customising it to hit home with your specific audience. It’s not just about words; it’s about making your message feel like a friendly chat. Let’s create a vibe that resonates, speaks their language, and puts your brand in the spotlight. Trust me, I’ve got the hometown advantage to make your message stand out in the best way possible!


I believe in getting to know your brand inside out – what makes it special, what sets it apart, and who your people are. That way, I can whip up custom-made words that talk straight to your customers. It’s like tailoring a suit; each piece is unique. I take the time to understand your vibe and weave it into the copy, making it feel like a friendly chat with your customers. Let’s make your brand shine with words that are as unique as you are, creating a connection that speaks directly to the hearts of your audience!


Check it out – my history tells the story. I’ve been the secret sauce for loads of businesses in Liverpool and beyond, helping them hit their goals. How? Well, with words that pack a punch, making people really pay attention and take action. It’s not just about sounding cool; it’s about getting results. When it comes to impactful copy that gets people engaged and clicking that “buy” button, I’ve got it down. Let’s chat about how I can sprinkle some of that magic on your goals too!

Services Offered

1. Website Copy

Your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. I can help you create compelling website copy that not only informs and educates but also inspires action. From captivating homepage content to engaging product descriptions, I’ve got you covered.

2. Blog Writing

Looking to establish your brand as a thought leader in your industry? Regular, high-quality blog content can help you do just that. I can craft informative and engaging blog posts that keep your audience coming back for more.

3. Email Marketing

Effective email copy can drive engagement, nurture leads, and ultimately lead to conversions. Whether you need a one-off promotional email or a series of automated sequences, I can help you craft compelling messages that get results.

4. Social Media Content

Let’s talk about social media – it’s like your brand’s best buddy for hanging out with your peeps. I’m your go-to pal to cook up social media stuff that’s like a magnet for attention. You’re not just posting. I’m all about creating content that’s not just seen but remembered, making your audience say, “Hey, I like these guys!” Together, I’ll turn likes into love and shares into a fan club. Ready to boost your brand loyalty? Let’s whip up some social media magic that puts your business in the spotlight!

5. Product Descriptions

Selling stuff online is a game-changer, and having top-notch product descriptions is like having a superpower. I’m your sidekick here, ready to craft words that don’t just spill info but also nudge customers into hitting that buy button. Imagine your product descriptions not just talking about the specs but making people go, “Wow, I need this!” It’s not just writing; it’s a bit of magic to turn browsers into buyers. Let’s team up and make your products shine with words that sell, making your customers not just see but want what you’ve got. Time to turn those clicks into happy customers – ready when you are!

How It Works

My services include

Professional B2B Copywriting

Integrated SEO

Conversion-Focused B2C Copywriting

Email B2C & B2B Copywriting

Catchy web and blog content

Our Clients

Let's Get Started

If you’re ready to take your B2B marketing to the next level with captivating copy that drives results, I’m here to help. Get in touch today to discuss your project, and let’s work together to elevate your brand through the power of words.

Remember, the right words can make all the difference. Choose Jake Perry for B2B copywriting services in Liverpool that connect, engage, and convert.