Social Media Copywriting Manchester

I’m Jake Perry, your Social Media Copywriting expert right here in Manchester. Picture this: in today’s fast-paced online world, everyone’s attention span is shorter than ever. That’s why having super cool and interesting social media content is a big deal for making your brand a success. And guess what? I’m here to make that happen for you!


Think of me as your social media wordsmith, weaving words that grab attention and keep people hooked on your brand. Whether you’re selling cool gadgets or just sharing your awesome story, I’ve got the magic touch to make it shine on social media.


I’ve got the skills to make your brand stand out. Let’s face it, the online game is all about being engaging and unforgettable, and I’m here to turn your social media into a powerhouse of cool content. So, if you want your brand to rock the online world, I’m your guy! Let’s chat and make your social media game strong. 

What Sets Me Apart?

Tailored Social Media Copywriting Solutions

When you pick me for the job, you’re not just getting a copywriter – you’re teaming up with someone who gets what makes your brand special. I take the time to really understand you, your values, and your goals. That way, I can whip up custom social media content that really connects with your audience. Let’s make your brand shine together!

Personalised Approach

I don’t do the usual copy-paste stuff; I add a personal touch to every word I write. Your brand is special, and it shouldn’t settle for boring content. That’s where I step in – I’m all about giving you words that really talk to your audience and make a true connection. While others are serving up the same old cookies, I’m baking something just for you. I’m committed to bringing you content that doesn’t just shout into the void but speaks directly to the people you want to reach. Let’s make your brand memorable and build a real bond with your audience.

Tailored Solutions

Manchester's Social Media Copywriter

I’m all about adding a local vibe to your social media words. I totally get what makes this city awesome – the people, the feel, and the cool way we talk that clicks with your crowd. With me, your brand’s voice will buzz with the lively vibes and energy of Manchester. Let’s make your brand shine in this fantastic city! 


Imagine this: your words speak the language that really hits home here. That’s what I’m about – making sure your message connects in the best way. I’m like your local language guide, making sure your brand’s voice echoes the pulse of Manchester. Together, let’s make your presence feel as vibrant and energetic as this city we call home. 

What I Offer

1. Strategic Content Planning

I don’t just put words on paper; I plan things out. I’ll make a game plan that matches your brand goals. I’ll figure out who we’re talking to, pick the best social media spots, and make sure your content not only talks the talk but also gets results.


It’s not just about writing; it’s about having a strategy. Let’s work together to sketch out a plan that fits your brand’s needs. I’ll help you figure out who your audience is and pick the right social media places to get your message across. It’s not just words; it’s a plan that turns heads and gets things done.


2. Captivating Copy for Every Platform

Every social media spot has its own way of doing things, and I know how to switch up my writing style for each one. Whether it’s the short and sweet style of Twitter, the story mode of Instagram, or the pro vibes of LinkedIn, I’ll cook up words that match the place and grab your audience’s attention. I’m all about speaking the language of each platform to keep your peeps hooked. 

3. Brand Consistency

Keeping things consistent is how I make your brand easy to spot. I’ll team up closely, and I’ll get what makes your brand tick – the tone, style, and message. That way, every bit of social media talk fits right in with your overall brand vibe. I’m all about making sure your brand stays true to itself in every word I put out there. 

Expertise in Diverse Industries

4. Engagement Boosters

Getting likes, shares, and comments isn’t just about numbers; it’s about creating a lively online space. I’ll add things to your content that make people talk, share ideas, and really connect with your brand. Imagine it like adding ingredients to a recipe for a great online experience. I want to make your content a place where folks feel like chatting and joining in. It’s not just about counting likes—it’s about building a friendly community around what you share.

5. Adaptability in Action

The online world keeps changing, and your content plan should too. I keep an eye on the latest trends, the way algorithms work, and new platforms popping up. Why? To make sure your brand stays in the spotlight and connects with the people you want to reach. Think of it like staying up to date with the latest news, but for your online presence. So, rest assured, I’m here to keep your brand not just current but thriving in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Our Clients

Why Invest in Social Media Copywriting?

Ready to Elevate Your Brand's Social Media Presence?

If you’re ready to transform your social media presence and elevate your brand’s voice, I’m here to help. As your dedicated Social Media Copywriting expert in Manchester, I bring a blend of creativity, strategy, and local insight to every project.


Get in touch today, and let’s start crafting social media content that not only speaks to your audience but also sets your brand apart in the digital landscape.


Elevate your brand with Jake Perry Writes – where your story becomes an engaging conversation.