Writing Engaging Blog Posts: How to Stand Out and Get Noticed

Writing Engaging Blog Posts: How to Stand Out and Get Noticed

So, you’ve got a blog, but something’s missing. The spark isn’t quite there. Or, the engagement feels flat. Since I used to be a blogging black hole, I can relate to that. My posts were bland, lifeless, and about as exciting as watching paint dry. But then I discovered the power of engaging writing. It turns out there’s more to SEO blogging than just stringing words together. This guide will unlock the secrets I learned along the way so you can skip the struggle and start writing blog posts that people actually want to read.

Use the Zig-Zag Technique to be Different

It’s surprising how many bloggers just follow the trends and end up being part of the noise. You have to be bold enough to do something different. If you’re just like everyone else, you end up as a commodity because you’re battling for the same readers and customers as all the other bloggers.

There’s an interesting strategy that successful entrepreneur Ramit Sethi often talks about. It’s called the Zig-Zag Technique. This approach talks about doing the opposite of what everyone else is doing. When others are moving in one direction, you take a different route. 



You see, it’s pretty straightforward. Find a popular idea that everyone is writing about, then flip it on its head. You could take a unique or even controversial stance or go for the shock value. The goal is to make your content stand out from the mainstream. Think about what you can bring to the table that’s unique. How can you approach a topic from an angle no one else has explored?

Target a Low-Volume Keyword

When picking a keyword, aim for one with fewer searches on Google, say around 10 to 150 a month. These less-searched topics mean less competition, making it easier for your new blog post to rank.

For choosing a topic, you could brainstorm or do keyword research. Keyword research is obviously better as it gives you real numbers on how many people are searching for that topic. You can use the following keyword research tools:

Before you start writing on a low-volume niche topic, it’s smart to Google your chosen keyword first. This way, you get a feel for what people are actually looking for when they search for it. Don’t forget to check out who else has written about the topic. If you see major brands in the search results, it might be wiser to pick a different topic where your blog can more easily stand out.

Write Headlines That Hook and Convert

When crafting your blog post title, don’t make it a guessing game. Your title’s job is simple: it needs to tell readers exactly what your post offers. It should shout your post’s promise—a clear, unabashed solution to your reader’s problem. Keep it straightforward because your audience craves clarity more than cleverness. Your post can be their answer, but they need to know that from the start. 



There’s a science to writing headlines that’s ever-evolving, but when in doubt, look to your fellow content kings. You can dig into the SEO blogging strategies of big dogs like Buzzfeed, Mashable, and Entrepreneur. They don’t shy away from strong, actionable language, numbers, or even a bit of controversy. It sparks curiosity. It prompts click-throughs. And it works. So, use strong words, but not sensational, and always deliver on what the title promises. You can also get help from this Title Case Converter to make sure your title formatting is correct.

Write a Powerful Opening Paragraph

The most read part of your blog post is often the opening paragraph. It’s where the action starts, the problem is introduced, and just a hint of that sweet resolution is shared. With this in mind, a compelling and concise intro is nothing less than your blog’s lifeline. 

In today’s content-saturated world, every word fights for a moment of your time. But what is it about an intro that hooks your readers and insists them to read on? Typically, it’s a bold claim, an intriguing question, or a statistic that stops them from scrolling.

Before you panic about getting every word right, remember these three simple things while writing an intro.

  • Be clear on what you’re writing about
  • Tease the benefits for your reader
  • Establish your authority

In blog intros, sharing personal experiences can help establish authority. But, for certain topics, using data is equally effective. You have to use your own insights with hard facts. This approach not only shows your expertise but also backs it up with concrete evidence. 

Focus on the Blog Body

The body of your blog post has real substance. Whether it’s a how-to guide or a listicle, this section delivers the true value. So, you should structure it in a way that makes it easy for readers to grasp the content, especially in how-to posts. Here, you’re guiding your readers through the steps to achieve a specific goal.

Similarly, dealing with info-heavy blog posts can also be tough for the writer so you must have to know that how to write blog posts for SEO. An outline can help organise your blog smartly. You can use short paragraphs, headers, lists, tables, or tips to make it reader-friendly. This way, your readers won’t get overwhelmed, no matter how long or detailed your blog post is. 

Next, use this blog outline as a guide and build on each point. Start with what you know, and if you need more depth, do some targeted research for extra information. Look for real-world examples and solid data to back up your arguments. When you pull in facts or statistics from outside sources, always give them credit. 

Add a FAQ Section

While researching for your blog, you might find some questions or sub-topics that are interesting but don’t quite have enough content for their own section. A great way to handle these is by adding a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) section. In this part, you can tackle those smaller points with concise answers or explanations, usually ranging from 2-5 sentences. However, this step isn’t mandatory. Include an FAQ section only if it genuinely enhances the value.

Write a Short Conclusion

I prefer short conclusions. Some bloggers recap the main points, but I usually wrap up with a quick note. What you choose will depend on your personal blogging style.

But here’s one thing I suggest for your conclusion: always include a call to action (CTA). Encourage your readers to engage. They can leave a comment, join your email list, or make a purchase. You should get them to interact with your content in some way before they leave.

Integrate Visuals for Impactful Blogs

It’s tough to accept, but just good writing doesn’t cut it for blog posts anymore. In today’s competitive space, even the most well-crafted posts need more to stand out. To really grab attention and shares, it’s important to pair your text with compelling visuals. 

You can enhance your blog engagement with multimedia content when it feels right. Your readers will appreciate the colour and interactivity that images, videos, polls, audio, or slideshows bring compared to plain text. It will also boost your on-page SEO.

But watch out for image sizes. Large files can slow down your page speed. You might want to resize them to smaller JPGs using Canva or convert them to .webp format using Photoshop. Moreover, remember to assign appropriate alt tags to those visuals.

Connect and Engage with Authentic StorytellingEngaging & Informative Content

Personal stories grab attention, whether it’s in a lecture or a speech. They’re much more engaging than just rambling on or throwing out dry facts. Whenever you can, weave your own experiences into your writing. You’ll notice the personal touch will make a big difference.

Also, be true to yourself when you write. Your voice should reflect who you are and what you believe in. If you try to be someone you’re not, people will eventually catch on. It might work for a bit, but it’s not a long-term strategy. So, keep it real.

There are three main types of voices that give you credibility. 

Thought Leader

Being a thought leader is something many people aspire to, but few truly are. Remember, just saying you’re a thought leader doesn’t make it true. It’s important to only speak from the level of authority you have. If your industry peers genuinely see you as a thought leader, then go ahead and use that voice. But don’t force yourself into a role that doesn’t fit.


If you’re working towards becoming a thought leader but aren’t there yet, think of yourself as a Sherpa. As a Sherpa, your writing should share your personal journey while guiding others up the mountain alongside you. Share your experiences and insights as you both climb towards that peak of industry leadership.


As a beginner, you’re just starting out. Let your readers know that. Being upfront about your novice status has its advantages. People like following someone who’s honest about their learning process, sharing both the good and the not-so-good. It’s a relatable and genuine approach.

Promote Your Blog PostsBoost Your Brand

Most bloggers can’t just publish a post and wait for views and shares to roll in. To get your blog posts read and shared, you need a solid promotion strategy that covers various platforms.

Great content is crucial for going viral, but it’s not enough if nobody sees it. You can’t expect the world to stumble upon your blog. If you want people to notice your posts, you need to promote them.

There’s this famous blogger, Kristi Hines, and she’s got a fascinating way of promoting her posts. First, she sorts them into two types: “killer awesome” and “averagely awesome.” 

For the ‘averagely awesome’ ones, she tweets them from her account between 7 and 11 am and also shares them on one social platform – Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+. She doesn’t use all three for these.

The killer awesome posts get more effort. Besides the usual tweeting and sharing, she adds them to StumbleUpon, sends an extra tweet, puts them in her writing profile, and includes them in her custom RSS feed. This approach shows you’ve to actively push your posts if you want them to get any attention.

Final Words

Creating killer blog posts that grab attention is easier than you think. Even though there are tons of blogs out there, don’t let that discourage you. Learn to take risks and break away from the usual styles and formats. The strategies I have shared above can help you get started with SEO blogging. 

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What’s the ideal length for a blog post?

Your blog post should be as long as it needs to be to provide value. There’s no set word count. Stuffing your post just to make it longer can actually push readers away. However, if you don’t provide enough valuable content, you can’t grow your audience base. 

Why do many bloggers fail?

Many bloggers fail because they skip proper audience research, don’t customize their content, blog sporadically, ignore SEO practices, and overlook promotion.  

Should I write a blog daily?

You don’t need to blog daily. The frequency depends on your topic and available time. Just make sure to post at least once a month to maintain an active, engaging blog.

What is the 80/20 rule for SEO blogging?

The 80/20 Rule for SEO blogging suggests that 80% of your blog’s traffic and income come from 20% of your posts.
