10 Best Copywriting Frameworks You Can Use Today

If you thought crafting copy was about being a lone genius with original ideas, it’s time to rethink. The truth is that copywriting thrives on frameworks. Most copywriters stick to time-tested frameworks or formulas that play to psychological triggers, weaving magic that sells. I’ve shared the ten best copywriting frameworks to streamline your writing process and get your message across crisply.

Why Do You Need Copywriting Frameworks?

Copywriting frameworks are the ready-to-go templates that help you write kickass copies. These formulas are super useful in any industry. They take the guesswork out and make it easier for you to produce powerful words that persuade. Plus, following these tried and tested strategies will save you time and make success repeatable. 

Aside from helping you get out of that dreaded writer’s block, copywriting frameworks also offer a ton of other perks. They:


  • Introduce you to the golden rules of copywriting
  • Give you strategies that have proven successful time and again
  • Fire up your creativity when working with an SEO copywriting checklist
  • Keep you laser-focused on what you want to say

Copywriting Frameworks Explained 

Here’s the list of top ten copywriting frameworks or formulas that drive action. 

Attention, Interest, Desire, Action (AIDA)

AIDA writing framework is the classic formula that’s been a quintessential part of marketing textbooks for decades, and the reason it’s stayed put is simple – it works.

Let’s break down copywriting framework AIDA into digestible marketing gold.



It’s the ‘hey, listen to this’ moment. Ask a thought-provoking question, tease mystique, or drop a quirky fact to get those eyeballs locked in. You have a split second to grab hold of your readers before they scroll. Make it count.



You’ve got them to pause, now it’s time to wow. AIDA says to drop the knowledge bombs — stuff that makes them lean in and wonder, “Whoa, really? Tell me more.” This is where you spill the exciting news, something they didn’t know and now can’t wait to hear more about. A fresh idea, an innovation, or a killer deal.



Build desire until they can’t resist the tempting offer you’re about to lay down. It’s where you provide undeniable proof or a hard-to-miss opportunity. Show why your offering is the roar against the status quo.



Never leave them hanging. Issue a call to action (CTA) with all the allure of a dare. Be direct. Tell them what they stand to gain and how they can get it. 

It sounds simple, right? It is. But there’s a catch. You have to nail each stage. One weak link and the spell is broken.

Problem, Agitate, Solution (PAS)

The copywriting framework pas has a reputation for being a pessimist. It’s that friend who unapologetically points out the rain clouds in every silver lining, and, weirdly enough, you always kind of appreciate their brutal honesty. Why? Because they get to the core of your real issues. And in copywriting, that’s an asset. In fact, it’s the foundation of some of the most compelling content you read every day. 


I’m not suggesting you conjure up problems that don’t exist. You should understand your customers’ experience so deeply that they realize you’re not just selling a product; you’re offering relief to their real challenges.



Uncover issues you know your audience grapples with, the ones they think about in bed at 3 am. You’ve got to lay it out like a pathologist reveals a harsh illness. No sugarcoating.



Intensify their pains into worst-case scenarios, like the Titanic sinking or the last slice of pizza being snatched away. You want your reader to feel that pit in their stomach. 



What’s the cure for this ailment spoken to the level of despair you’ve conjured? Here’s where your content becomes a ray of sunshine. You’re not just selling; you’re rescuing.

Dig deep into the consumer psyche, analyze, and reanalyze. It might sound a bit mean, intensifying someone’s agony before giving them a proverbial Band-Aid, but it’s effective. However, when this strategy is overdone or out of place, it can repel big time.

Before, After, Bridge (BAB)

Sometimes, the most profound impact comes from a strategy that’s straight to the point, something that interestingly gives the most mundane words power. Ideally, that’s what the BAB framework is based on.



This is where you highlight a real and painful problem your reader faces. Let’s say your product cuts energy waste. You open with the shock of high bills or the struggle of failed productivity during power outages.



Give them that glorious, problem-free world. Paint it with all the roses and sunsets. The ‘before’ is their frustration, whereas the ‘after’ is their fantasy. Use specific details and benefits to make this glowing vision stick in their mind.



Introduce your product or service as the bridge to the sunny side of the street.

BAB works wonders for short-form copy. It compresses value without sacrificing substance. Rather than delivering a bland which-would-you-choose scenario, it strategically leads your reader from pain to pleasure with your product or service as the hero.

Picture, Promise, Proof, Push (PPPP)

Most sales pages on the internet work because of this simple yet powerful framework. Every day, custom-page visitors like you see this marketing magic in action without even knowing it. This formula is effective because it speaks to human nature. People love stories, clarifications, trustworthiness, and a little nudge in the right direction. 



Start by zeroing in on the pain. What are your customers currently dealing with? Spell it out in a way that has them nodding along. People love to feel understood.



What transformation can your product provide? Be bold, but make sure it’s tangible.



This is where you bring out the big guns – testimonials, data, and case studies. You show them you’re not just promising; you’re proving.



You propose a call to action that’s irresistible, urging your reader to seize the day and not let this opportunity slip through their fingers.

Many will say their product can change lives, but not every seller can back it up. If you want to truly engage and convert, be an open book – transparent, factual, and utterly convincing. 

To drive real change, storytelling isn’t enough. You need hard-hitting statistics, endorsements, and unassailable facts to sway the reader’s mind so they can take those vital next steps with confidence. 

Feature, Advantage, Benefit (FAB)

Are you communicating your value right in the marketplace? If your pitch is packed with features but short on results, the FAB framework can be of great help. People don’t buy features. Instead, they buy transformations, positive changes, and solutions to their pain points.



What does your product or service have or do? You should highlight your biggest feature first. 



How does this feature stack the cards in your audience’s favour?



What positive outcomes are your customers getting out of this?

The FAB framework is only as good as your ability to articulate the benefits clearly – what’s in it for them? Although catchy features are nice, the benefits are what truly sell. So, ensure your communication is benefit-rich when connecting with your audience. They’re in for the value, and you’re here to deliver it. 

Consistent, Contrasting (CC)

The CC framework can reinforce your customer’s belief that they’ve landed on something exceptional. If your audience is looking for fast service, your main focus will be on speed and reliable delivery. Contrast, on the other hand, is your ninja move – they won’t see it coming. It highlights the areas where your offering stands leaps and bounds ahead. 



You give your customers the stability and reliability they prefer. First, always lead with what’s familiar. Highlight the features your audience is already on the lookout for. 



It’s not enough to blend in. What sets you apart? This is the moment you astonish. Your product or service isn’t like the others – not by a long shot. It’s faster, it’s smarter, it’s the eco-friendliest, or has that special secret element. 

Balancing these two is quite necessary — too much consistency and you seem stagnant, too much contrast and you risk alienation. But when done right, you present a clear, honest narrative about why you’re the one to pick.

Friend, Expert (FE)

Having a friendly presence and credible expertise can elevate your personal brand or business in ways a one-dimensional approach can’t. Friendly words will get you seen, but it’s the expert insights that position you as the go-to source in your niche. Sharing your expertise doesn’t mean you have to sound stuffy or inaccessible. 


Practical, actionable advice delivered in your authentic, friendly voice can be the touchpoint that drives home the value you offer. When readers understand you’re not just friendly but genuinely an expert, they’re more likely to listen closely to your guidance. 



Remind your readers that there’s a real, caring person behind the message. 



When you speak, make it clear why you’re worth listening to. You should use examples or statistics that show your expertise without sounding like you’re showing off.

Past, Present, Future (PPF)

In practical terms, creating content that flows through these three phases taps into an emotional connection and pulls the customer directly into your story. 



Address your customer’s journey. What were the sticking points, the ‘ouch’ moments that triggered them to consider a change or a new solution? It’s the jumping-off point for connection and shows your empathy for their journey.



Speak to their immediate pain points. What do they need right now to alleviate their struggles, and how does your product or service meet this today?



The magic wand. Highlight the transformation. Where can they be with your help? Paint a vivid picture of the bright, sunlit uplands that lie ahead by integrating your offering into their dreams for tomorrow.

Awareness, Comprehension, Conviction, Action (ACCA)

The ACCA framework not only sells your message but speaks on a deeper, more empathetic level, resonating with the core needs of your audience. With this approach, your content transcends the transactional to create lasting connections. This deeper comprehension can turn a reader into a lifelong advocate, inspired to take action not just on a product but on a belief or vision.


You have to genuinely engage with your audience, understand their experiences, and lead them to a place where they’re moved to take action because they believe in the value of what you’re saying.



Look for the problem your target market can’t live without solving. Frame it in their context.



Show your audience how the XYZ issue impacts them and what your fix brings to the table.



Here’s where the magic happens. You should make them feel like they can’t live without your solution. Shine a spotlight on how it’s going to make their life easier or better. Paint a picture so vivid they feel like they’re already reaping the benefits.



Convincingly ask them to take the leap. Close with a compelling call to action that leaves no room for indecision.

Putting it together, ACCA is more than a concept. It’s an invitation to connect, reassure, and lead your audience to take the next step with you. 


Problem, Amplify, Story Transformation, Offer, Response (PASTOR)


The PASTOR copywriting framework helps your message stand out by integrating clarity with emotional resonance and a clear call to action.



What is the pain point your audience feels deeply?



Draw a clearer picture of what’s at stake if the issue isn’t resolved. You have to hit at the heart of your reader’s struggle.


Story Transformation

Transition smoothly into the potential for transformation. Share a story – your own or one of a satisfied customer – to give life to the change you’re offering. 



Here comes the golden nugget – your solution. Be precise and confident in how your product or service stands apart.



Finish strong with a call to action that encourages your reader to take the next step. Clear, direct, and compelling – make it easy for them to respond.

Final Words

While these frameworks are invaluable for their guidelines, your creativity and voice give them life. Businesses, audiences, and outcomes vary, and that means your approach to copywriting should evolve, too. 
