5 Reasons Why Blog Post Length Matters & How to Determine the Ideal Size

Determining the perfect seo blog post length can be a puzzle, but we’ve gathered insights from writers and digital marketing managers to give you a clearer picture. From the art of optimal storytelling in 800-1,200 words to finding the 1,000-1,500 word sweet spot, discover the top five expert opinions on crafting your next engaging blog post.


  • Optimal Storytelling in 800-1,200 Words
  • Minimum 1,000 Words for SEO
  • Blog Length Varies by Purpose
  • Balance Value and Engagement
  • Find the 1,000-1,500 Word Sweet Spot


Optimal Storytelling in 800-1,200 Words

You must have a question in your mind that what will be the average blog post length, so for us, the ideal blog post length for seo is around 800 to 1,200 words, simply because it’s the optimal word count that allows for telling the entire story without leaving important information out. Any more than 1,200 words would normally warrant an entirely new blog post on another topic—if there’s a need to extend one blog post that long, we’d usually just break it into several posts to avoid overwhelming the reader. 



Most visitors don’t care for long content anyway, so there’s really no need for longer posts, especially if it’s possible to keep the content concise. However, anything under 700–800 words isn’t usually enough to cover the topic thoroughly. The content would be too thin, too shallow, and in the end, wouldn’t benefit the reader or even fulfill the reader’s intent. The worst you can do is write a blog post that doesn’t even serve your reader for their intended purpose. That’s why 800 to 1,200 has become our so-called bliss point for length.


Viktoria Krusenvald, ANWPB Board Certified Nutritional Consultant, Wellness Patron


Minimum 1,000 Words for SEO

In the realm of blog posts, aiming for a minimum of 1,000 words is considered ideal for several reasons, particularly for SEO optimization.


Search engines tend to favor longer-form content, as it often provides more in-depth information and value to readers. Longer articles can cover topics comprehensively, incorporating relevant keywords and improving the overall SEO ranking.


A 1,000-word minimum allows for a well-researched and detailed exploration of the subject matter, capturing the audience’s attention and increasing the likelihood of engagement.


It strikes a balance, offering sufficient substance to satisfy search engine algorithms while providing valuable insights to the readers, thereby enhancing the overall impact and effectiveness of the blog post.


Damar W, Writer, Explainerd


Blog Length Varies by Purpose

There are a myriad of answers across the web trying to answer this question. From Wix to HubSpot and Backlinko, they make recommendations on the ideal length of a blog post. However, I’d first ask the question, who is the blog post for?


What is the ideal length for a blog post? It depends. If you need a blog post to rank in search, then you’ll need to see what currently ranks for that keyword, then reproduce and improve on it. If you’re needing a blog post to be a landing spot for social media posts, then you can shorten the post and get to the point. If the blog post is intended to be for your email subscribers, then it doesn’t matter the length, since you have an active readership who will read your content.


Roberto Torres, Owner, The Local Marketer


Balance Value and Engagement

Blog posts should be between 1,500–2,500 words long, as search engines favor longer content for increased depth, engagement, and authority in the field. However, length isn’t everything: Focus on quality, audience knowledge, and value in your content, even if it’s short. 


Short posts provide quick updates, news snippets, and opinion pieces, while medium posts explore specific topics, tutorials, research summaries, or interviews, and long-form posts are comprehensive guides, detailed analyses, white papers, or case studies. 


Ultimately, the ideal length for your blog post is a balance between providing enough value to readers while keeping them engaged and wanting more. Experiment with different lengths, track your results, and find what resonates best with your audience.


Fahad Khan, Digital Marketing Manager, Ubuy India


Find the 1,000-1,500 Word Sweet Spot

For the ideal length of a blog post, I always aim for a sweet spot between 1,000 to 1,500 words. It’s all about finding that balance between delivering valuable content and keeping readers engaged.


Shorter posts might not cover the topic in-depth, leaving readers with unanswered questions. On the flip side, overly long posts can be overwhelming and may lead to readers losing interest. The 1,000- to 1,500-word range allows me to dive deep into the subject, provide valuable insights, and keep the reader hooked without overwhelming them.


James Cunningham, Senior Coach, Total Shape

