How Storytelling Engages, Builds Relationships, and Influences Decisions

How Storytelling Engages, Builds Relationships, and Influences Decisions

Every successful company is powered by a compelling story. You can build a brand that people love by becoming a top-notch storyteller. That’s because stories do something numbers and statistics cannot – they connect on a deeper level. They make your audience feel part of your journey, struggles, and the ‘why’ behind a goal. As a B2B copywriter in the UK or a B2C content writer, you can benefit from storytelling. 


Storytelling is not a new concept. In fact, it’s been a pillar of human communication since time immemorial. However, it doesn’t just belong to folklore and fairy tales. In content marketing, especially in a socially savvy digital world, storytelling is gold. In this article, I will share tactics & importance of storytelling in business that transform bland business speak into gripping narratives that your audience can’t help but follow.

Does Storytelling Work for Any Product or Service?



The myth that storytelling only works for inherently interesting products is just that – a myth. Storytelling, as a marketing strategy, transcends the perceived cool factor of a product or service. 


Let’s suppose you have to construct an impactful story around office cleaning supplies or professional consultancy services on tax reforms. These niches aren’t exactly the stuff blockbuster movie plots are made of.


Yet, the power of storytelling is not in how “sexy” your product or service is. It’s in how effectively you tie your product to the betterment of someone’s life. This is a challenge that doesn’t discriminate between the unconventional and the mainstream.


For cleaning supplies, the narrative could be about creating an office space where everyone can thrive, free from the distraction of clutter and uncleanliness. For professional consultancy, your story can focus on a stress-free financial future where the client can confidently navigate the complex world of tax laws.


Basically, every story we hear or read is centred around the same three elements. It’s the protagonist, the conflict, and the solution. It might sound like a story cliche, but it’s a winning formula because it’s grounded in how humans perceive and remember information.


People, in general, are hardwired to respond to the connections they form with characters and situations, even when they’re on the pages of a business proposal or a company’s about page.


Take it from neuroscience studies: when a story is well-told, it triggers a release of oxytocin –the ‘love hormone’. In the context of your business narratives, this means improved attitudes, better consumer behaviour, and more business for you. When your story connects, you see the results in shares, engagement, and a community that’s genuinely interested in what you have to say.


Key Ingredients for Effective Storytelling 

Storytelling is the lifeblood of your brand. Over the past few years working as a B2B copywriter in the UK, I’ve been dissecting brand narratives to identify the key ingredients that keep the eyeballs glued. Here’s how you can engage emotions, build trust, and inspire action. 


A Relatable Protagonist

Think about your favourite movie or book. I’m quite sure you can describe the main character and why you relate to them without a second thought. Now, apply that to your marketing. Who is the central figure in your brand’s story, and why should your audience root for them? If they can’t empathise with this character, they won’t connect with your story. The protagonist’s relatability is what makes or breaks your story.


Your hero needs to reflect the challenges, dreams, and values of your audience. Otherwise, your content might as well be written in a foreign language for all the connections it’ll make.

So, take the time to know your ideal audience – their likes, pain points, and aspirations. This way, you can shape your story’s main character to mirror these traits. 




Importance of Storytelling in marketing is super huge & it should be anything but fake. Authenticity is the backbone of successful content marketing. Your story must be your own, something fresh and uniquely yours. Customers aren’t won over by recycled tales; they crave originality and novelty. It’s the ‘aha’ moments of recognising something truly specific to your brand that pushes them to take notice.


Here’s where to start:


  • What’s a perspective that only you can offer? Lead with it!
  • Does your brand sound like a person you’d grab a coffee with? Be that person in every word.
  • Freshness breeds interest. You have to make sure your narrative is a direct reflection of your company’s core values. 


I’ve seen some brands trying too hard. You can almost taste the desperation in their storytelling. The secret to standing out is in innovation. Authentic storytelling isn’t about fabricating the extraordinary. You have to find the extraordinary in what’s already there.


Emotional Factor

Sometimes, certain ads or social media campaigns can stay in your mind long after you’ve scrolled past them. That’s the power of storytelling marketing – it goes beyond cold, hard facts and data to touch something deeper.


Emotion is the soul of branding. It’s the language of connection that your audience craves. Consumer psychology is super important for both marketing experts & content writers in UK


If your story doesn’t give readers the feels, it’s like a cake without the icing – it fills you up, but it’s not as satisfying. Every successful story touches on emotions. There’s no magic; well, okay, there is – it’s emotional resonance. Joy from a successful journey. Excitement for a new product. Concern for a challenge they’ve overcome. Emotion is the thread that ties your audience to your story and, by extension, your brand. 




In all honesty, your audience doesn’t care about your story as a brand. They want to be the star of the show. The hero they can become with your products or services. Your story should begin and end with them. What challenges do they face that you can help overcome?


Paint a picture of a better tomorrow with your solution where they’re in the limelight. You have to ditch the long, winding fairytale approach. Your story needs to be crisp, clear, and straight to the point because today’s audience has a short attention span. Those unnecessary subplots and dull details have no place here.



Facts alone might not make a sale, but when incorporated into a story, they can be the tipping point from ‘interested’ to ‘sold.’ While a good story can captivate, statistics and research substantiate your claims in a way that’s tough to dispute. People want results and evidence.


When you tell a potential client that you’ve ‘increased sales tremendously,’ it doesn’t quite hit the same as saying, ‘Our sales went up by 50% last quarter.’ The former might come off as fluff, the latter as an achievement that speaks for itself. When your story is backed by concrete data, you’re not just selling a service – you’re selling confidence in the value of what you offer. 



Have you ever read a story that grabs you from the first line… but then, just as you’re getting to the good part, it leaves you hanging? That’s not usually how I like my tales wrapped up, but sometimes, a little mystery can be irresistible. There’s a reason why the classic “To Be Continued” leaves an audience eagerly awaiting the next chapter; it draws people in and keeps them hooked.


In business, the ‘cliffhanger’ can be equally effective. In most cases, outreach depends on clear endings — the conclusion, the pitch, and the sale. But what would happen if you kept your response open-ended? Not in an unsatisfying way, but in a way that subtly encourages the next step, perhaps with an unresolved question or a teaser for what’s to come.


There’s power in leaving a door slightly ajar for a dialogue to continue. Anticipation can be profitable.


Final Words

People love stories, plain and simple. They remember how a brand made them feel far more than any fancy figure or graph. However, a great story is never one-sided. It’s an interactive exchange that includes your customer as a main character, not just a passive observer. 


Every success story starts with someone daring to tell it. Will that be you? If you found these insights valuable and want to explore how storytelling could transform your brand, I’m only a message away. You can book a meeting today. 


What is the difference between copywriting and storytelling?

Copywriting aims to persuade, focusing on features, benefits, and calls to action to trigger specific responses like purchases or sign-ups. Storytelling evokes emotions, using narrative to connect, engage, and build trust with your audience.

Is storytelling part of the copywriting?

Storytelling can be a powerful tool in copywriting. It helps connect with customers on an emotional level, making information more memorable and persuasive.

How effective is storytelling in marketing?

Highly effective! Storytelling connects with audiences on an emotional level, boosting brand memory, trust, and engagement.

What to avoid in storytelling marketing?

Avoid making your brand the star. You have to focus on relatable characters facing challenges your product solves. So, highlight struggles and triumphs for authenticity. Ditch info overload – keep it clear, concise, and emotionally engaging. Remember, real connections trump forced sales pitches.
