4 Effective Ways to Conclude a Cold Email & Boost Response Rates

4 Effective Ways to Conclude a Cold Email & Boost Response Rates

Diving into the art of concluding cold emails effectively, we gathered insights from top founders and CEOs in the industry. From incorporating a clear call-to-action to ending with a memorable impression, here are four expert tips how to write & end a cold email to ensure that it leaves a lasting impact.


  • Incorporate a Clear CTA
  • Propose a Specific Follow-Up Time
  • Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition
  • End with a Memorable Impression


Incorporate a Clear CTA

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Ending a cold email well is as important as the first line and email body. Apart from a subject line that reads like an internal email and personalized email copywriting that communicates your “irresistible offer,” it’s crucial to add a CTA that guides prospects to the next steps. 


At my business, we test out different CTAs and salutations at the end of our emails. Some CTA examples that you can utilize to end your emails are as follows: 


  • For B2B services: “’How about a quick 15-minute call to explore how this could make your products stand out, build brand love, and keep customers coming back?”


  • When targeting decision-makers: “Would you be open to exploring how we can help you target {{personalized_job_titles}} at scale?”


  • When targeting specific industries: “Would you be open to exploring how we can help you target {{personalized_job_titles}} in the {{industryName}} industry at scale?”


Apart from this, don’t forget to add an email signature at the end to sign off your email. 


Given that it could impact deliverability, I’d recommend you refrain from adding any links or images in the signature. 


Do this, and you’re pretty much sorted.


Rishabh Gupta, Founder, Cleverviral


Propose a Specific Follow-Up Time

As the CEO of a recruiting firm, I send a lot of cold emails. And since I specialize in the marketing sector, I sometimes pick up tips and tricks from my clients and candidates on the best ways to grab the recipient’s attention and increase the chances of a swift reply.


One great suggestion I’ve recently implemented is ending all cold emails with a specific time and date to follow up on the phone. Putting a plan in place, instead of ending on a generic “Hope to hear from you” or “Talk soon,” invokes a sense of obligation and urgency. I’ve found that wrapping up correspondence this way means people are more likely to actually hit the reply button, if only to express their regret at not being able to make the call. This gives me an opportunity to continue the conversation.


Rob Reeves, CEO and President, Redfish Technology


Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition

To end a cold email, highlight a unique selling proposition that sets your product or service apart. For example, if you’re a software provider, you could emphasize a feature that solves a specific pain point or offers a competitive advantage. 


By showcasing what makes you different, you create curiosity and intrigue, compelling the recipient to learn more. For instance, “Our software eliminates manual data entry, saving your team countless hours each week. See how you can revolutionize your workflow.” This approach establishes value and differentiates your offering, increasing the chances of a positive response.


Yoana Wong, Co-Founder, Secret Florists


End with a Memorable Impression

When it comes to ending a cold email, the key is to leave a lasting impression. Instead of the usual “Looking forward to hearing from you,” try something more engaging and memorable. For example, you could end with a thought-provoking question related to your email’s content, or a witty remark that shows your personality. 


Another option is to offer a unique value proposition, such as a limited-time discount or a free resource. Remember, the goal is to stand out from the crowd and leave the recipient wanting more. So, be creative, be bold, and make that final sentence count!


Alex Stasiak, CEO and Founder, Startup House

