5 Essential UX Elements to Prioritize for Enhanced SEO & Its Impact

5 Essential UX Elements to Prioritize for Enhanced SEO & Its Impact

In the intricate dance between user experience and search engine rankings, we’ve gathered insights from industry experts, including a Chief Marketing Officer and a digital marketing manager. From the importance of seamless navigation to the critical role of optimizing page speed, explore the five key UX elements these professionals emphasize for boosting SEO.


  • Seamless Navigation 
  • Page Speed
  • Internal Linking 
  • CTAs
  • Schema and Mobile Optimization 


Seamless Navigation 

UX is incredibly important to SEO ranking. You can do all the keyword research you want, all the local SEO research you want, and it would mean nothing if the user experience isn’t expertly crafted.


Seamless Navigation 


Being able to navigate from one page to another seamlessly and easily should be a priority. Each individual page should also be built out at the same level as the homepage would. If you are providing a specific service or product, you want to make sure that service or product pops up in Google searches. If your pages for these services or products are not built out properly, you will not rank for them at the level you would want to.


David Nunez, Junior SEO Specialist, Grove Brands


Page Speed

Imagine clicking on a website and feeling like you’ve hit a maze. Frustrating, right? That’s exactly how user experience (UX) can make or break your SEO rankings. Google loves websites that people find helpful and easy to navigate.


Page Speed


One UX element that’s crucial for better SEO? Page speed. Think about it. We’ve all been there, tapping our fingers impatiently on the table, waiting for a page to load. I once tweaked my site to load faster, and voilà, the bounce rate dipped while our rankings climbed.


It’s simple—a speedy site keeps visitors around longer, signaling to search engines that you’re serving up something valuable. In the digital world, speed thrills but also ranks.


Swena Kalra, Chief Marketing Officer, Scott & Yanling Media Inc.


Internal Linking 

Our forte lies in meticulously crafting strategies that elevate SaaS and e-commerce ventures, understanding that the core of digital success pivots on the synergy between UX and SEO. Here’s our take on how UX influences SEO rankings and a spotlight on a crucial UX element that’s often underestimated yet significantly impacts SEO.


Internal Linking 


UX and SEO are like the roots and branches of the same tree, each supporting the other to ensure the tree’s health and growth. Google’s algorithms have evolved to prioritize user experience, recognizing that the satisfaction of a searcher’s intent correlates strongly with the quality of the UX provided. A site that loads quickly, provides easy navigation, and delivers content in an accessible, engaging manner is more likely to rank higher. This is because such sites fulfill user needs efficiently, reducing bounce rates and increasing the time spent on the page, which are key indicators to search engines that the content is valuable.


Moreover, internal linking is an often-overlooked UX element with significant SEO benefits. By guiding users to related content within the site, internal links improve the user experience, keeping them engaged and on the site longer. For search engines, internal links help distribute page authority throughout the site and enhance content discoverability. Our strategy at Wytlabs includes a systematic approach to internal linking, ensuring that it enhances both UX and SEO.


Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs



A well-crafted, simple, and clear CTA is an absolutely critical UX element that should be prioritized for better SEO. The CTA, or call to action, guides users toward the main offer or action you want them to take—subscribing to a newsletter, downloading a guide, or making a purchase. 


It plays a role in converting visitors into leads or customers, which is a tangible indicator of a site’s effectiveness and value. From an SEO perspective, a singular and straightforward CTA contributes to a website’s ranking in several ways:


To maximize the SEO benefits, the CTA should be prominently placed, use clear and action-oriented language, and stand out visually from the rest of the page content. I believe it’s also important to ensure that the CTA leads to a straightforward and relevant next step that aligns with the user’s intent and the website’s goals.


Andrew Jenkins, Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency


Schema and Mobile Optimization

User experience (UX) significantly influences SEO rankings, primarily because search engines like Google prioritize sites that offer a seamless, user-friendly experience. One crucial UX element that boosts SEO is the integration of schema markup and the optimization for mobile web. Schema markup helps search engines understand the content of your website, enabling more informative results for users. It can enhance visibility in search results through rich snippets, directly impacting click-through rates.


Schema and Mobile Optimization


Furthermore, mobile optimization is no longer optional but a necessity. With the majority of web traffic coming from mobile devices, search engines reward websites that are mobile-friendly with higher rankings. A mobile-optimized site not only loads faster but also offers an accessible and engaging user experience, crucial for keeping visitors on your site longer and reducing bounce rates. Both schema markup and mobile web optimization are key to aligning UX with SEO goals, ensuring your site is both discoverable and enjoyable for users.


John Xie, Co-Founder and CEO, Taskade
