6 Real-Life Target Audiences To Help You Define Your B2B & B2C Customers

6 Real-Life Target Audiences To Help You Define Your B2B & B2C Customers

When it comes to marketing your business, sometimes it can feel like playing darts blindfolded. You close your eyes, aim for the target, and hope you hit somewhere near it. Very rarely, you’ll hit the bullseye. But the majority of the time, you end up nowhere near.


That’s why defining and understanding your target audience is so important to the success of your business. By identifying your target audience, you can better understand your customers, how to reach them, what messaging will drive action, and how you can better meet their needs with your products or services.


However, many businesses struggle with identifying their target audience. That’s where target audience examples come in. Here are six target audience examples broken down by industry to help you narrow in on the best audience for your business to reach. Plus, as an added bonus, how to reach them!


Home Services & Home Improvement


Key demographics


Here’s a target audience example for businesses in the home services and home improvement industries, such as plumbers, HVAC professionals, roofers, landscapers, home cleaning services, and builders.


Key demographics

  • Age range: 35-65
  • 50% women, 50% men
  • 86% are homeowners
  • Median income of $108,000


What to know about them

  • May be interested in home improvement or renovation shows on HGTV.
  • May live in suburban areas.
  • May spend time with family, taking kids to school or activities, and trying DIY home improvement projects on the weekends.


How to reach them

  • Search advertising: 55% of homeowners search before scheduling an appointment with a home services business. (And for businesses like pest control, moving, and locksmiths, that number is over 70%!) So, you can reach these searchers with local PPC ads to convert them when they’re researching businesses like yours.
  • Online reviews: We know that online reviews are a big factor homeowners look into during the buyer’s journey. So, make sure you’re getting positive reviews for your business—and responding—to help influence these customers.
  • Localised SEO Blogging: With targeted SEO blogging, you can promote your businesses to people within a specific zip code, so you know you’re targeting likely homeowners in your area.



target audience


Here’s a target audience example for those marketing higher education institutions such as colleges and universities. The challenge these organisations and institutions may face is that they need to target both students and their parents.


Key demographics

  • Students ages 15-18
  • Parents and older students aged 35-54
  • 53% women, 47% men
  • Median household income for parents of $90,000


What to know about them

  • Will either be in high school, have children in high school, or be looking to go back to school.
  • Students spend a lot of time on social media and consuming media on YouTube.
  • Building early brand awareness is key with this group as they typically have only two schools in mind before conducting any research, and 75% end up enrolling at one of those two schools.


How to reach them

  • Social ads: Prospective students spend time on social media sites and apps like Snapchat, TikTok, and Instagram. Reach them with targeted social ads that speak to the benefits of attending your school.
  • YouTube ads: YouTube ads have the highest ad recall of any channel and drive the most actions, so this is a great way to reach your education target audience.
  • Display ads: Start building awareness with both prospective students and their parents by running display ads across sites they frequent. With the help of Content Writers UK, you can become one of the two schools in students’ minds before they start their research.


Healthcare: Dentists



Depending on the speciality, healthcare businesses can target an extremely broad market with the help of a B2C content writer. Everyone needs some type of healthcare service. Here’s a target audience example for a dentist.


Key demographics

  • Age range: 25-65
  • 56% women, 44% men
  • 54% have kids
  • Median household income of $91,000


What to know about them

  • Many people in this target audience have kids and need dental care for both them and their children.
  • Quality physicians and quality care are the two most important factors to people when choosing a dentist, so include this information in your ads or marketing messages.
  • Many people in this target audience frequently use social media sites like Facebook or Instagram to look for reviews and find specials or coupons.


How to reach them

  • Search advertising: Most people begin their search for new businesses, including dentists, on search engines. Plus, we know search advertising is highly effective and engaging for dentists, with an average conversion rate of 11.73%, higher than the average conversion rate across industries of 7.26%.
  • Targeted email marketing: Because most people won’t travel too far to go to the dentist, you can target specific zip codes with email marketing campaigns that provide coupons and testimonials to sway new patients.
  • Direct mail: Send direct mailers to homeowners near your dental practice with a coupon or special to increase new patient appointments. Make sure to use specific coupon codes so you can track the effectiveness of your direct mail campaign.


Real estate

b2b Copywriter UK

Real estate businesses are targeting those either buying or selling their homes in a specific area with the help of b2b Copywriter UK. Here’s a target audience example that could work for many residential real estate agencies.


Key demographics

  • Age range: 25-64, with a median age of 44
  • 50% women, 50% men
  • 60% are married
  • Median household income of $109,000


What to know about them

  • The majority currently own a home, which means you’re likely targeting those looking to both sell their current home and purchase a new home.
  • May live in suburban areas.
  • May enjoy dining out at nicer restaurants and shopping at department stores and high-end boutiques.


How to reach them

  • Search advertising: Because most people begin their research with an online search, search advertising is a great way to get your business in front of potential clients. Real estate businesses are also eligible for Local Services Ads, which can help you convert searchers quicker.
  • Social media advertising: Because this group is mostly comprised of millennials, you know that they spend a lot of time on social media. Targeting them with social media ads on Facebook and Instagram can help you reach them directly.
  • Referral program: People trust recommendations from friends and family members, so setting up a referral program that rewards your existing clients when they refer you to new clients can help you grow your real estate business without a huge lift from your end.


Professional Services: Legal

Depending on the type of law practice, your target audience will change, so it’s important to be familiar with your ideal customer. Here’s a target audience example for general legal businesses.


Key demographics

  • Age range: 18-34 and 55+ with a median age of 55
  • 47% women, 53% men
  • 59% are married
  • Median household income of $102,400


What to know about them

  • Most likely own a home.
  • May enjoy watching sports on TV.
  • Use the internet to track their investments and still read a newspaper.


How to reach them

  • Display ads: As many in this target audience example are a little older, you can target them on websites they might visit to engage with their interests, such as sports, travel, real estate, and more. A display ad on these sites can build awareness and drive people to learn more about you on your website.
  • Targeted email marketing: With targeted email marketing from the best content writers UK, you can send email messages to people in specific areas or in specific demographics who may need legal services.
  • Search advertising: People in this target audience example likely won’t venture past the first page of search engines, so they may be more likely to click on your search ad.


Retail: Furniture

The target audience for retail businesses will vary based on the type of goods your business sells. Here’s a target audience example for furniture retailers.


Key demographics

  • Age range: 35-64
  • 56% women, 44% men
  • 60% are married
  • Median household income of $92,000


What to know about them

  • Likely own their own homes.
  • Likely interested in home improvement shows on TV—channels such as HGTV.
  • Many of them likely have kids in the home.


How to reach them

  • Social ads: This age range spends a lot of time on social media, so targeting them with beautifully designed ads that show off your furniture can drive them to make a purchase.
  • Display ads: You can showcase your furniture on websites of people in this target audience example, frequently to build awareness and drive them to purchase your product or visit your showroom.
  • YouTube ads: With YouTube ads, you can target users by life events, so you can target those who recently graduated, moved, or who recently got married. 


Use These Target Audience Examples to Define Your Own

By understanding your target audience, you can get to know your customers and where they spend time — both online and offline. The best way to reach your target audience is through personalised content by content writers in the UK


Creating your own content allows you to connect with your audience, show that you know what you’re talking about, and position your products or services as solutions to their specific needs. Personalised content not only captures their attention but also creates a sense of relevance and value, fostering a stronger relationship between your brand and your audience. 


If you would like to discuss how target audience insights can help you acquire and retain more ideal buyers, let’s connect and explore how to unlock new business growth opportunities by zeroing in on who you serve.
