
The Most Crucial Elements to Prioritize for Your New Business Website and Why

When launching a new business website, it’s crucial to get the foundation right. We’ve gathered six expert tips from CEOs and Founders, focusing on everything from prioritizing compelling sales copy to ensuring a clear, user-friendly design. These seasoned professionals share their insights on the first things to tackle for a successful online presence.


  • Prioritize Compelling Sales Copy
  • Implement Robust Website Security
  • Choose an Impactful Color Scheme
  • Register Site with Google Services
  • Define Purpose and Target Audience
  • Ensure a Clear, User-Friendly Design


Prioritize Compelling Sales Copy

The design is less important. If your copy is not compelling and written in a way to convert your visitors, you’re just wasting your time. Hire a copywriter who specializes in writing sales copy for your homepage and focus on one single CTA, and use it throughout. Then add as much social proof as possible, more than you think is necessary.


Inge Von Aulock, CEO, Top Apps


Implement Robust Website Security

Ensuring your website’s security is the paramount factor when launching a new business website. Website security not only protects your business’s data but also safeguards your customers’ information. In an era where cyber threats are increasingly sophisticated, implementing robust security measures, such as SSL certificates, secure hosting, and regular security audits, is vital.


A secure website fosters trust among your visitors, showing them that you value their safety and privacy. This trust is critical for building long-term relationships with your customers and can significantly impact your site’s credibility and, ultimately, your business’s reputation. Neglecting website security can lead to disastrous consequences, including data breaches, loss of customer trust, and significant damage to your brand. Therefore, prioritizing security from the outset is not just a precaution; it’s a necessity for ensuring the sustainability and success of your online presence.


Rick Elmore, CEO, Simply Noted


Choose an Impactful Color Scheme

A suitable color scheme is among the first things to work on when setting up a new business website. Color palettes influence emotions and perceptions of a brand. The palette reflects a combination of colors and designs you want. A well-chosen palette arouses visual interest and enhances contrast while preserving balance. So, select a palette that perfectly complements your brand message.


Research the psychology behind colors to select hues that resonate with your audience and convey the desired message. For example, blue signifies dependability and has long been associated with stability, peacefulness, and harmony. Use landing page software to quickly pick up designs and colors to create a custom-built website. Ultimately, a carefully chosen color scheme sets the tone for your website, enhancing the overall impact.


Dhari Alabdulhadi, CTO and Founder, Ubuy New Zealand


Register Site with Google Services

To make sure Google is aware of its existence, this means adding it as a property to Google Analytics and also adding it to the Search Console. The sooner Google knows about your website, the quicker all the content on the site can be indexed.


Marc Bromhall, Founder, StorageBuddy


Define the Purpose and Target Audience

One of the very first things I would focus on when setting up a new business website is clearly defining the site’s purpose and target audience. This foundational step is crucial because it informs all other decisions and strategies moving forward.


SEO Content Writing


Before building anything, you need to get crystal clear on who exactly you are trying to reach with your website and what specific problems you are aiming to solve for them. Are you selling products or services? Providing information and educational resources? Building a community around a certain passion or lifestyle?


At My Millennial Guide, our core purpose is to empower millennials to take control of their finances through education, motivation, and actionable personal finance guidance. Our target audience is millennials struggling with things like student debt, building savings, investing for the future, etc.


Having this clear purpose and defined audience allows you to then shape the user experience, content strategy, messaging, design aesthetic, and overall structure of the website in a cohesive, highly relevant way. It prevents you from wasting time and money building something misaligned.


Brian Meiggs, Founder, My Millennial Guide


Ensure a Clear, User-Friendly Design

One of the first things to focus on when setting up a new business website is ensuring it has a clear, user-friendly design. This is crucial because your website is often the first point of contact between your business and potential customers. A well-designed website creates a positive first impression, helps users find information easily, and improves the overall user experience. It should effectively communicate your brand’s message, values, and what sets you apart from competitors.


A user-friendly website design encompasses several key elements, including intuitive navigation, fast loading times, mobile responsiveness, and clear calls-to-action (CTAs). These features not only make your site more accessible and appealing to visitors but also contribute to better search engine rankings, as search engines favor sites that provide a good user experience.


Investing in a thoughtful and well-executed website design lays the foundation for your online presence, encouraging engagement, fostering trust, and ultimately driving conversions. It’s an essential step that sets the tone for your business’s digital footprint and can significantly impact your site’s effectiveness in achieving your business goals.


Andrew Jenkins, Owner, Catalyst RVA Marketing Agency

